Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday The 13th (1980)

ah the original friday the 13th, the awesome suspense, the great kills, the music of harry manfredini.
i love this movie very much so i'm just going on to the ratings.
Plot: 10/10
Acting: 10/10
Music: 10/10
mommy? 8/10

Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope (1977)

the first star wars movie, there is no way i can explain how much i love it. it is one of the best movies ever in my opinion. and maybe the best movie ever! it has possibly the best cast i've ever seen in a movie, mark hamil, harrison ford, carrie fisher, anthony daniels, ect.

my mom told me that when i was a baby, whenever they watched the old star wars movies, that whenever darth vader was on the screen, i would make a wierd noise, and they had no idea what was going on. and later on they realized i was doing darth vader's breathing whenever he appeared on screen lol.


Acting 10/10

plot 10/10

overall 1000/10


star wars is the biggest movie series or individual movie to affect my life, i am a big star wars addict.

i'm going to review the series one by one, starting with the original trilogy

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Public Enemies (2009)

i've seen this movie 2 times now, and i love it. johnny depp (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Christian Bale (The Dark Knight) have oscar worthy performances.

plot: FBI agent melvin pervus (bale) leads an investigation to capture public enemy #1 john dillinger (depp)


lot: 10/10

action: 10/10

overall: 10/10

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Courage The Cowardly Dog: King Ramses Curse

season 1 episode, in fact, my favorite i think of the series.

a few thugs steal the ancient slab of king ramses, and hide it by courages house in the town of nowhere, and just after are killed by king ramses, who says the famous " return the slab, or suffer my curse." he sets millions of locusts on the theifs.

courage finds the slab, and eustace refuses to give it up, so ramses comes, and sets his curses on the family. courage must get the slab to king ramses or all is lost...

plot: 10/10

comedy: 10/10

overall- 10/10

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Be Kind Rewind

be kind rewind, starring jack black and mos deff. i went to this movie when it came to theaters really excited because of the trailer, because a comedy about making movie parody's of famous movies sounds good right.

so i went into the theater, and i watched it. i didn't expect the whole fats waller factor, as that wasn't in the trailer, but it helped explain the cause.

this is a great comedy, and is worth your money.

Acting: 10/10

Plot: 10/10

Comedy: 10/10

Overall: 10/10!

The Motorcycle Diaries

my brother rented this movie, i had no idea what it was going to be about, and i thought it would be bad. but then i watched it.

it's about 2 friends who go on a motorcycle trip across Latin America. there is some drama, and some cussing comedy as well. the movie is spoken in spanish but has english subtitles on the dvd.

i would have to rate it

acting: 8/10

plot: 7/10

overall: 8/10