Wednesday, July 1, 2009

28 Weeks Later

the sequel to 28 days later, where a man and his wife in hiding are attacked by the infected, and he leaves his wife so he can escape, which takes place in the time period of "days later".

a few months later, the US army has arrived in London, and is reconstructing, and repopulating mainland Britain, in an area called "district one", which is just by London. all refugees have been told to not cross the river into London, for many infected bodies have not been cleared, for the infected had died of starvation 5 weeks earlier.

2 of the survivors are Andy and Tammy, who are the children of the man who had left his wife, and they meet their dad, who works at district one. don is the dad's name.

the kids ask what happened to their mom, and don tells them the story. later, the kids sneak out of district one, for andy has a nightmare that he can't remember what his mom looks like.

as they escape, a sniper sees them, and reports it to base. the children make it to their old house, where they find their mom, bitten, but alive. the army finds the kids and the mom, and takes them back to district one, the "safe zone". the medical center officers find out that don's wife is immune to becoming infected, but she is still a carrier, and can infect anyone who has physical contact with her.

later on, don visits her, and they kiss, which infects don, who murders his wife alice, the carrier. i'm going to make a long story short, almost all of the hundreds of civillians are infected, and a "code red" is issued, and the area is firebomed by aircraft. there are about 50 infected who were by the command center, which of course they would not firebomb, and they make it. the film ends showing infected storming towards the eiffell tower in Paris, France.

Acting: 8/10

Plot: 9/10

effects: 10/10 but this is a more violent film than the first

overall: 10/10

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